Friday 10 June 2011

Self Employment Opportunities - Questions and Answers

Self Employment Opportunities - Questions and Answers

Octavien J. Remillard Platinum Quality Author Platinum Author 

Questions and answers regarding Self Employment Opportunities on the internet. Even if you are a professional like a doctor or an engineer, the costs and risks involved in getting set up can be disastrous.

Even if your trade is landscaping or secretarial, you still face hard challenges to go the self-employed route. There are insurances and business licenses, perhaps you need a vehicle or two and of course there is always the issue of getting decent help when things get busy.

So, how can one create one's own employment on the internet?

There is no limit to what can be done or how large you can grow. By far the biggest lack the people that I help have is lack of knowledge.

Here are some of the questions they ask and their answers regarding self employment opportunities:
  • Question: I am a nurse. What possible self employment can I create?
  • Answer: If you are a general nurse, you can open a health information site. You can write ebooks (yes you can) on certain medical subjects or conditions. You can make videos of exercises for certain injuries. I could write a book about all the things someone in the medical field could do on the internet.
  • Question: I don't know a darn thing about the internet. I can barely use e-mail. What hope have I? How much will it cost me to get the education I need?
  • Answer: The answer lies in your heart. Just be willing to try. Most high schools and colleges have free night classes teaching basic computer skills and that's all you need. Basic skills. As for education, yes you will need an education on the internet, but this can be had for free. There are dozens of free tutorials available. Do a little Google searching.
  • Question: How much will it cost me to get set up?
  • Answer: If you watch yourself, take a little time to learn and experiment, you will risk nothing, the cost is zero.
  • Question: How much can I make?
  • Answer: You decide.
  • Question: How long will it take for me to quit my job? Should I quit right now?
  • Answer: DO NOT quit your job. You'll know when the time is right. When your web business is clearing what you are making now (and it will), then it is time to talk to the boss. As for how long it'll take, that is totally up to you. If you work real hard and your niche is a profitable one, it'll be a matter of a few months or a few years. The trick is to know what to do!
I hope this helps you folks to get started. It is not rocket science, but the internet business is a strange one in some ways. Get all the information you can and experiment. Make mistakes. Wayne Gretzky, the great hockey star once said, "You always miss the shot you don't take".

By the way, do you want to learn more about self employment opportunities? If so, visit my packed bulletin
board at Self Employment Opportunities.
To view the most complete system of job directories and how to's for those that seek self employment ideas, click on Work From Home [].
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